Q&A Webinar: Ofcom changes - Contractual Obligations
Q&A session with Marcus Andreen hosted by Nigel Sergent, Comms Dealer & Paul Taylor, Voiceflex
Monday 4th July 2022, 11.30 am - 12.00 pm
Marcus Andreen, a Commercial lawyer with 20 years of experience providing legal support and advice to start-ups, SMEs, and larger businesses in the technology sector, will answer your questions to give you a greater understanding of the Ofcom contractual changes.
An opportunity to find out more about the recent Ofcom changes – What are your contractual obligations? What do the changes actually mean? What do you need to safeguard yourself? What additional changes are coming?
If you have a question that you would like to ask in preparation of the webinar on Monday please click this link
A session not to be missed.